Where to sell +18 games?

Where to sell +18 games?

Your game is ready, and now you have to sell it. But you don't know where to start.

We know that +18 games aren't allowed in every online marketplace, and it may be a little trick to find out in what's stores you can upload your game and take good revenue from it.

That's why we selected a few stores where you can safely sell your adult games.


Probably the most obvious and famous of them all, Steam is a Major Marketplace and currently allows adult content in it (with a few restrictions). Steam is a "Go big or go home" kind of store. You can build a lot of strategies to improve your market, but at the end of the day, you will need a good game. If your game isn't good, it will sink as fast as it can thrive.

Upsides: It is a huge marketplace; "everybody" is there. If you have a good game, you will reach a global audience. Steam also provides a handful of tools for you to promote your game (Like Festivals, cross-promotion, blog platform, live stream, etc...) and this is great.
Down points: Steam can be a little greedy. You pay them a fee of almost 20% of the price of your game. And if you don't live in the United States, you will need to pay an extra 30% to take the money from the country. At the end of the day, you will be left with approximately 50% of your total gains.
When to use it: If you have a game that is ready and polished, and you need a place to sell it, sell it on Steam. This is the place where you will expose your work to a major global audience quickly. You will collect reviews, and in a short period of time, you will Discover if your game will thrive or flop.


Itch.io it is a marketplace focused on independent games from small studios and independent developers. If you are still unsure if your game is polished enough and ready to go, Itch.io it is the place to be. The audience on Itch knows that it is a platform for indie games and likes to review new projects.

There you can collect valuable feedbacks, start making some Money while improve your game before expose them to a bigger audience.


Upsides: You will not have to compete with big companies and giant marketing budgets from the big studios for the same store space.

Also, Itch works on open revenue sharing. That means you will decide the percentage of your gains you will leave to them.
Down points: It has a Smaller Audience and does not provide as many tools as Steam.
When to use it: If you are insecure and don't know if your game can be better or not, launch it, make Money and collect some feedback.


Another very popular marketplace in our niche, Patreon, is a great platform if you want to have a subscription model (And we recommend that you do).

There you can find real fans of your games, and It's ideal to build your Community and Interact with them in the early stages of your game development.

Upsides: There you can create Monthly subscription plans and delivery different benefits for itch tier ($1, $2, $5, etc...). This is great for generating constant cash flow for your business and finance your game development.
Down points: Its not exactly a down point, but a Thing to be attentive to.
On Patreon the players are supporting a project, so they need to know that the project is “alive”. So you will have to deliver news, updates and releases about the development. If you don't do this, you will probably start losing subscribers.
When to use it: If you have a new Project in development and need to validate the idea, collect feedback, or need some cash flow going before the release of the game. There you can pitch – it ideas, alfas, Betas, Storyboards, etc... to get new subscribers.


Which one it is your favorite? Did they work for you? Let us know in the comments below.
