The best prices for your adult game

The best prices for your adult game

Hey GameDevs,
I’m observing how much each game sells on OppaiMan Store and I can share with you the prices that optimize revenue over the months.

There are 3 mains factors that you should consider:

  • Play Hours
  • Quality
  • Brand Popularity

If your game has 20+ play hours and your brand is popular, you can charge $25.
It’s an excellent price used by Fetish Locator, and it’s price to get all the franchise content. It’s a lot of content.
Our store automatically bundles several game releases under the same subscription.

$20 is an uncommon price. But you can try it if you have a lot of content, high quality and a popular brand.

If you have 5–10 hours of total content, and the quality is above average, $15 is a great price point even if you don’t have a popular brand.

$10 is a great price for games with average quality and 4–8 hours of content. It’s an overall good option

If your game has less than 3 hours of content, $5 might be your only option, and otherwise you might get negative reviews for the shortness of content.

Less than $5
Analyzing the sales numbers on OppaiMan Store, we haven’t seen much benefit from a price lower than $5. Even after your game has been out for 1, 2 or 3 months, prices lower than $5 seem to generate a lot subscribers, but not enough revenue.

Once you select your price in USD for first world countries like the United States, you can use our localized prices to adjust the prices for Third World countries, and countries that charge an additive 23% VAT on checkout.

If you don't use, the USD price might get prohibitive for countries like Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, Taiwan and Mexico.

If your game is also available on Steam, this will make sure that your price adjusts according to Steam price conversion for those countries.

How to change the price

If you feel your game is not getting good revenue, it might be because the price is too high or too low. You can try to change and see the results.

First, you need to make sure that OppaiMan Players are getting a fair price. This means that the price on Patreon should not be lower than the price on OppaiMan. So any change you make on OppaiMan should reflect on Patreon as well.

You can change the price by:

1) Going to your Dashboard

2) Click Edit on your game

3) Click "5. Pricing"

4) Change the price on either the basic or advanced pricing tools.

5) Click Save

6) Go to "6. Uploads"

7) Click "Send to Review" (This will highlight your game so we can take a look at it faster)